Looking for a way to capture the full array of a JSON Parameter. For example I'd like to capture all the values and have them saved comma delimited in a Marketo field. I'd like to capture all values returned in the "places" array.
"post code": "90210",
"country": "United States",
"country abbreviation": "US",
"places": [
"place name": "Beverly Hills",
"longitude": "-118.4065",
"state": "California",
"state abbreviation": "CA",
"latitude": "34.0901"
So output would look something like this: place name: Beverly Hills, longitude:-118.4065, state:California, state_abbreviation:CA, latitude:34.0901
You can accomplish this in javascript with a function like JSON.stringify, but not sure how to accomplish it in a webhook.
Ultimately it would be best if all information was returned without specifiying any parameter to allow for a one to many relationship.
The response attributes
places and
places[0] do not work in the webhook mapping.