Web Personalization - Stop Showing After x Number of Views

Level 3

Web Personalization - Stop Showing After x Number of Views

Hi there! We are semi-new to web personalization. One thing we are struggling with is the number of times the ad shows up for a visitor. We don't want it to show every time they hit the site - say maybe every 5th time - is there a way to do that? 


I've done this filter (https://nation.marketo.com/docs/DOC-3421-web-personalization-rtp-how-to-show-a-campaign-only-once-pe...) on some campaigns to make the same person not see the same ad more than once, but there are some ads we do want people to see more than once. 


Any other web personalization tips/advice, etc. please share -- we are all ears! 


Thanks in advance!

Maddy Lundquist, MCE
Marketing Automation Specialist | APQC