Re: Web Personalization Segments Filter Question

Level 1

Web Personalization Segments Filter Question

Hello - we are trying to launch a web personalization dialog campaign. The campaign will promote a white paper to specific segments that visit our site. Here's the workflow for downloading the content - dialog displays button with UTM hyperlink, which takes the person to a landing page that contains the form for the content download. Web segments are using named account lists and personas for main filters. We are fairly confident in how we have everything set-up but are still trying to figure out the best way to exclude someone in the web segments who has previously downloaded the content we are promoting. Any thoughts on the best way to go about this?  Thanks!

Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Web Personalization Segments Filter Question

You'll need a database field you can segment from. What I did (to do this same exact thing) was to create a boolean field for "Downloaded Asset XYZ" -- then I have a smart list triggering on "Program Status is Changed" (you'll need to seed this the first time you run it), which then updates the download asset field as TRUE.

In RTP, you add this to your database fields through the Account Settings.

Once synced this field will now appear as a database query in your segmentation that you can add to suppress:

Screenshot 2018-01-31 13.07.57.png