Hi I set up an Engagement program using dynamic content for the emails in 6 different languages. The emails work fine but it looks like when I click on the "View web page version" link it shows me the English version rather than the appropriate language (e.g. German).
Any idea why this is and how I can change it?
Anissa Brach FYI. I moved your post to Products and Support, where you will probably get an answer sooner.
Are you using the default View as Web Page option? This text is controlled in the Admin section and is shared for all emails: Edit the "View as Web Page" Message - Marketo Docs - Product Docs
If you want this to be in multiple languages, I would suggest that you consider using a snippet for this and/or the {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}} token instead: Add a System Token as a Link in an Email - Marketo Docs - Product Docs
Thanks Kristen. It still picks up the copy/images from the Default email instead of the German email. It is more about the link going to the correct email instead of the copy for the link itself.
Hi Anissa!
Have you managed to solve this problem? I am facing the same - sending the content dynamically, depending on the country segment. Unfortunately, the link always redirects to default copy. I wonder if there is any solution to that.