view in browswer link not working in IE

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view in browswer link not working in IE

Hi -  I'm using IE8 and the view in browser link is not working, I just get a blank page. My coworker has IE9 is able to view the page, but for some reason all my images are getting squished so it just looks like a weird thin line or like there isn't anything there at all.

Chrome and FF are fine.

Can anyone tell me what's happening here and why it's doing that?
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Re: view in browswer link not working in IE


I'm thinking that Marketo and IE8 don't play together anymore. Marketo has stopped supporting that version so you're probably best off upgrading or using one of the browsers.

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Re: view in browswer link not working in IE

Hi Mike,
Thanks for your response, but most of our customers use some version of IE so it's not really an issue of me not being able to view our emails in a browser, but of our customers being unable to view it.  Are there any other alternatives here?

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Re: view in browswer link not working in IE

Not much you can about the user's browser. IE8 won't get much support from anyone in the near future, including Microsoft. I would anticipate the user would figure out pretty quickly that their system isn't working and choose to upgrade the browser. I don't know that you have any other options other than suggesting in your emails which browser it works best in. You could potentially add that as part of your "View as web browser" copy.

Hope this helps.
