Verify ownership of user's email address

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Verify ownership of user's email address

Have anyone tried to verify if the email address that user inputs in the Marketo form actually belongs to the user?  

The generic process is like

1. an email is sent to the address after the form submission.  
2. a link embedded in the email is clicked and address is verified.

Bin Liang
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Re: Verify ownership of user's email address

HI Bin,

Yes, I've seen some companies send an email to verify their email address by requesting then to verify a link in the email. It's a great way to get better quality data by doing this. You can do this by creating a smart campaign that triggers for any form fill out and send an email to verify email address. Then create another smart campaign that triggers off of the clicks link in email and either add them to a static list or mark a custom field that this person has verified email address.

Marketo also has information if the email is invalid and the email invalid cause. You can find that information under the lead info & you can also pull a smart list.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Verify ownership of user's email address

HI Bin,

Yes, I've seen some companies send an email to verify their email address by requesting then to verify a link in the email. It's a great way to get better quality data by doing this. You can do this by creating a smart campaign that triggers for any form fill out and send an email to verify email address. Then create another smart campaign that triggers off of the clicks link in email and either add them to a static list or mark a custom field that this person has verified email address.

Marketo also has information if the email is invalid and the email invalid cause. You can find that information under the lead info & you can also pull a smart list.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Verify ownership of user's email address

Generally I just try to use that email address as the way to fulfil the request. So, if someone wants a whitepaper just email the link to the person filling out the form. If the email isn't valid, they won't get it. If it is, they will.
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Re: Verify ownership of user's email address

Can you recommend any methods for notifying a person if they have input an invalid email address?
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Re: Verify ownership of user's email address

Hi Josh,

Invalid in what way? If it is wrong, they won't get the whitepaper and they'll probably just fill it out again.