Utilizing our Application's Unsubscribe Functionality with Marketo

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Utilizing our Application's Unsubscribe Functionality with Marketo

My company is using Marketo in support of an online application. Marketo is not the only tool in our enviroment that is currently sending emails to customers that require CAN SPAM compliance. In the past, with a previous tool, we were able to point the unsubscribe link to the part of the application that handles this functionality with data being captured by both our email platform and the application. 

Can we replicate this functionality in Marketo?
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Re: Utilizing our Application's Unsubscribe Functionality with Marketo

Hey Robert, you'll need to synchronize your app database with either Salesforce or Marketo via one of the APIs. 

So if Lead X unsubscribes in your app, check Unsubscribed = True in Markeo OR Email Opt Out = True in SFDC. (Marketo and SFDC will keep each other in synch so you only need one.). 

Lots of API documentation here: http://developers.marketo.com/