I've found a problem while playing around with Marketo SOAP API: in Marketo I see a field SFDC Type: which has a value Lead OR Contact.
But when I pull this lead via API I don't see this field. How do I know if what I'm pulling is a SFDC lead or SFDC Contact? Any work around here, or am I missing something
Hi Paul,
Are you certain that the record you're pulling has been synced to SFDC? It's possible that field is blank because the record only exists in Marketo.
Hi John
Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I created a contact and a lead in SFDC THEN waited for them to sync to Marketo THEN exported both via Soap API
And for neither of them there's any info on SFDC Type: even though it displays correctly in Mkto interface
PS: I'm doing a Soap GetLead API Call, and its not even that this field is empity, there's no such field at all, both for contacts and for leads
Hi Paul,
Are you sure you are using the right SFDC Type field ? There are 2 of them, one that gives you the lead/contact difference (and is empty when the lead exists only in Marketo), and the other that maps with the account.type standard field.
Hi Greg,
the thing is, I'm not 'using' anything. I'm just pulling a lead via GetLead API call, and I don't get any info on SFDC Type: and look what I get:
stdClass Object
[result] => stdClass Object
[count] => 1
[leadRecordList] => stdClass Object
[leadRecord] => stdClass Object
[Id] => 1000014
[Email] => guitarguy@guitar.com
[ForeignSysPersonId] =>
[ForeignSysType] =>
[leadAttributeList] => stdClass Object
[attribute] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[attrName] => Company
[attrType] => string
[attrValue] => Guitars
[1] => stdClass Object
[attrName] => FirstName
[attrType] => string
[attrValue] => Guitar
[2] => stdClass Object
[attrName] => LastName
[attrType] => string
[attrValue] => guy
And if you search the email guitarguy@guitar.com in the lead database, what is the value of the field in the lead detail screen -> Lead Info Tab ?
Sorry, you checked already, from what I see above.
It should return much more data, not just these 3 fields if they are not empty in the database.
Any idea why that's not the case?
Excepted for the fact that you could query the wrong lead, no.
Can you copy here the code you use to query ?
Sanford Whiteman may have an idea.
If not, this will required a support ticket I'm afraid.
I'm using:
class Marketo_Soap
private $_endpoint;
private $_user_id;
private $_secret;
private $_soap_client;
private $_soap_header;
public function __construct($endpoint, $user_id, $secret)
$this->_endpoint = $endpoint;
$this->_user_id = $user_id;
$this->_secret = $secret;
public function get_lead($value, $by = 'id')
$type = null;
switch ($by) {
case 'email': $type = 'EMAIL'; break;
case 'id': $type = 'IDNUM'; break;
if (empty($type)) {
throw new Exception('incorrect type');
$leadKeyParams = (object) array(
'leadKey' => (object) array(
'keyType' => $type,
'keyValue' => $value
$params = array('paramsGetLead' => $leadKeyParams);
return $this->_call('getLead', $params);
private function _call($command, array $params, $test = false)
try {
return $this->_get_soap_client()->__soapCall($command, $params, $this->_get_soap_options(), $this->_get_header());
} catch(Exception $ex) {
throw $ex;
private function _get_soap_client()
if ($this->_soap_client === null) {
$this->_soap_client = new SoapClient($this->_endpoint ."?WSDL", $this->_get_soap_options());
return $this->_soap_client;
private function _get_header()
if ($this->_soap_header === null) {
$marketoNameSpace = "http://www.marketo.com/mktows/";
// Create Signature
$dtzObj = new DateTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
$dtObj = new DateTime('now', $dtzObj);
$timeStamp = $dtObj->format(DATE_W3C);
$encryptString = $timeStamp . $this->_user_id;
$signature = hash_hmac('sha1', $encryptString, $this->_secret);
// Create SOAP Header
$attrs = new stdClass();
$attrs->mktowsUserId = $this->_user_id;
$attrs->requestSignature = $signature;
$attrs->requestTimestamp = $timeStamp;
$this->_soap_header = new SoapHeader($marketoNameSpace, 'AuthenticationHeader', $attrs);
return $this->_soap_header;
private function _get_soap_options()
return array(
'location' => $this->_endpoint,
'timeout' => 500,
'trace' => true,
'keep_alive' => true,