Using Parentheses in Advanced Filters suppression

Level 1

Using Parentheses in Advanced Filters suppression

Hi All,


Can someone please assist with a filter/formula for the advanced filter ( see screenshot attached).


I want the following: 

- they must must be a member of list 1


- they CANNOT be a member of list 2


- they CANNOT be a member of list 3


- they CANNOT be a member of list 4


- they CANNOT be a member of list 5


- they CANNOT be a member of list 6


List 1 only has 671 people, I want to be sure that everyone in list 1 are not in lists 2 through 6.


Right now, this is the filter I have: 1 and (2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6)


Currently it says 1,226 people will receive the email, when there are only 671 people in list 1.


I just want to be safe and make sure the formula suppresses the correct records.Marketo support 10.01.2024 email lists.pngMarketo support 10.01.2024.png

Level 1

Re: Using Parentheses in Advanced Filters suppression

Try updating the filter logic to "ALL", since all filters should be applied; and see if it results in 671 (or fewer) people qualifying to receive the email.