Using INXPO webinar provider with Marketo forms - Utilizing SSO

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Using INXPO webinar provider with Marketo forms - Utilizing SSO

Has anyone tried to use Marketo with the webinar provider INXPO? We are currently trying to achieve integration between the two systems using Marketo's web hooks and we have gotten half way there - we can send the registrants profile details to the INXPO system. However, now we need to go a step futher. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!

Here is the info from INXPO on what we need to do to achieve full integration: 

Currently, we are able to use WebHooks to send a registrant’s profile details to another system named INXPO, via one RESTful API call to them. Those details include a login & password, among other fields. 

However, we would like to utilize Single Sign-On (SSO) to INXPO instead. That one RESTful API call to INXPO can be modified to return some XML with a unique login ticket. That login ticket would then need to be concatenated onto the following string (URL) and then redirect the user via a temporary redirect (HTTP 302) to that URL. That redirect needs to be within 60 seconds because the ticket will expire.;F:APIUTILS!50505&LoginTicketKey= TICKET 


Can WebHooks parse the returned XML (snippet below) and redirect the user as such? If so, how? 


<OpCodeResult OpCode="T" Status="0" Message="OK" > 






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Re: Using INXPO webinar provider with Marketo forms - Utilizing SSO

Webhooks can parse returned XML, but cannot redirect a landing page, so I don't have an immediate solution for this. Maybe you can send out an email with this login ticket key, so attendees can click this link to auto-login? 
