Currently, we are able to use WebHooks to send a registrant’s profile details to another system named INXPO, via one RESTful API call to them. Those details include a login & password, among other fields. However, we would like to utilize Single Sign-On (SSO) to INXPO instead. That one RESTful API call to INXPO can be modified to return some XML with a unique login ticket. That login ticket would then need to be concatenated onto the following string (URL) and then redirect the user via a temporary redirect (HTTP 302) to that URL. That redirect needs to be within 60 seconds because the ticket will expire.;F:APIUTILS!50505&LoginTicketKey= TICKET Question: Can WebHooks parse the returned XML (snippet below) and redirect the user as such? If so, how? ... <OpCodeResult OpCode="T" Status="0" Message="OK" > <ResultRow> <LoginTicketKey>873757</LoginTicketKey> </ResultRow> </OpCodeResult>