Urgent help please!

Not applicable

Urgent help please!

Hi... Have cloned a program and trying to undo the original tags that were brought over.

I know I have to disrupt the 'flow' of the program via Change Status in Progression to edit this but not sure how.

Right now the options for me in the change status in progress is 'email filled out form' and i want to change that tag called  'informative email'



Tags (1)
Not applicable

Re: Urgent help please!

Status progression is tied to the channel type of the program/campaign, and those progression steps are set up in admin and there are some tricks to managing and handling them.  You'll want to read up on custom progression status and tags and channels handling in administration, and then get with someone with an admin account to review the status progressions currently set up in your system by channel tag.

I recommend not trying to figure this one out as you go, read up on the materials and your current account settings and put a plan together first.