Transition Rules on Customer Engagement Engine

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Transition Rules on Customer Engagement Engine


We have just soft launched our customer engagement engine. We have 6 streams, but have launched 2 of them.

We have batched leads into these 2 streams and they have received content. 

I have set up transition rules for all the 6 streams and I am wondering whether this will pull leads from the 2 streams I have made live?

Our leads transition based on the last time they spent with us. So, it could be that a lead that was in one of the streams I made live, re-engages and spends again with us, they would move into another stream I haven't made live yet. 

What happens to the lead? Will the transition rules of the other streams I haven't made live pull them in still? Will they just sit in this new stream until I activate the content and cadence? Or do I need to activate the content for the transition rules to work?

I just want to know what happens here as the live streams have a monthly cadence so there is a good chance that the leads will move so I don't want them to be a member of the old stream and still receive that content that they first were in. I want them to be a member of the new stream and get this content.

Appreciate anyone's thoughts on this. 

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Re: Transition Rules on Customer Engagement Engine

Hello Claire! 

The transition rules will apply to your leads even if the stream they move into hasn't currently been made live. 
The lead will remain in the new stream until the cadence is set up and it is activated. 

So for example:

Stream A is active
Stream B is not active
Your lead spends with you, and your transition rule pulls a lead from A to B.
Your lead remains in B, but nothing happens until you activate B.

Hope this helps!


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Re: Transition Rules on Customer Engagement Engine

Great thanks Louiza!