Has anyone else been experiencing more system errors lately? It seems like since the latest updates went through (all of which I'm super pumped about!), my team has been getting a lot of requests to refresh our browsers.
Just curious if this has been true for anyone else..
We haven't had any notifications in Support about known problems. These can many times be caused by local networks issues, but could also very easily be a problem we need to investigate from our side. Best thing to do is to get a screen shot of the error message when it happens (full page screen shots including the URL, not just zoomed in on any one area, work best). Open a Support case and include those screen shots along with a clear description of what you were doing when they came up. If there's any pattern like it only happening when editing an email, or only when opening a report, make sure you include that if you can. The more information the better.
Yes, I am too. I'm getting a forced browser refresh continuously regardless of browser.
Those error messages usually carry a lot of great info we can use in Support to identify the problem. Full page screen shots and descriptions of exactly what was happening at the time would be helpful. Also, since these can be caused by local network errors, just to rule out that possibility, try going to Speedtest.net by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test and just run a quick network test and grab a screen shot of that too. The more information you can provide Support, the better.
I've been getting the following Web Services Error - anyone else? And is there a fix?
Web Services Errors are different than System Errors--probably not related.
Those Web Services Errors are specific to API problems. There's an Error Code listed there. These Error Codes are explained here: Error Codes » Marketo Developers
That 612 error in particular is caused by an Invalid Content Type. Recommendation there is "If you see this error, add a content type header specifying JSON format to your request. For example, try using "content type: application/json". Please see this StackOverflow question for more details."
Thanks, will have one of our devs look into it.