Syncing Salesforce Sandbox to Marketo

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Syncing Salesforce Sandbox to Marketo

Hi All,

Our marketo instance is synced with our Salesforce Production instance. However, it would be really great if we could sync our Salesforce's sandbox instance to the our Marketo instance as well.

I do see a "Sandbox: Disabled" status in Admin->Integration->Salesforce. (Attached screenshot)

Could you guys help me with us some insight into this? As to whether syncing the salesforce's sandbox instance is possible or not and if yes, how do I go about it ?

Thanks all!



Level 10

Re: Syncing Salesforce Sandbox to Marketo

Hi Prabash,

It is to possible to sync 1 Marketo instance with 2 SFDC instances, but believe me, you surely do not want this to happen It would create such a mess in your schema and your data that soon it would Make your Marketo instance impossible to use.

If you really need a second sync, you can purchase a sandbox instance from Marketo and sync it to your SFDC sandbox.
