Re: Summit 2016 MCE - Please tell me it'll be better than 2015's

Marketo Employee

Summit 2016 MCE - Please tell me it'll be better than 2015's

I know the much maligned 2015 MCE's failure is well documented in the community but can we get some assurance that the 2016 exam will be more inline with the pre-test materials?

Can you provide guidance on how much of the test will be about which topics? Is it going to be heavily calendar based? We've made a strategic decision to not use the calendar due to possible problems of having numerous people able to impact other teams' work so how much studying will I have to do on the calendar? Is this one going to be as much memorization as the 2015 or will it be more about applied experience and understanding of how to accomplish?

Robb Barrett
Tags (3)
Level 8 - Champion Alumni

Re: Summit 2016 MCE - Please tell me it'll be better than 2015's

Assuming the test at Summit does not change to much from the one i wrote last week, I can say that it was not that far off from the test exam.

I completed the test exam with a 95 I believe and the actual exam I got 93%.

I do not use the calendar, but did review it, and managed to get 100% on that section.

In my opinion,FWIW, if you do the test exam and do well you should be fine, if you just get 80% or slightly better, review the questions you got wrong, and try again.  Also to note there is/was a $75 discount code at the end of the exam.

Hope this helps Robb.


Marketo Employee

Re: Summit 2016 MCE - Please tell me it'll be better than 2015's

Thank you.  Last year I took the practice exam while on an "All Hands" conference call so I was only half paying attention to it and I got a 90-93% and then bombed the exam because the two were so different.

Robb Barrett
Level 8 - Champion Alumni

Re: Summit 2016 MCE - Please tell me it'll be better than 2015's

I would definitely confirm my statements with MKTO, but I felt they were fairly similar.

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Re: Summit 2016 MCE - Please tell me it'll be better than 2015's

Hi Jason,

Where can I find the newest practice exam?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Summit 2016 MCE - Please tell me it'll be better than 2015's

Re-took MCE exam in Dec 2015 and practice exam was very much inline with the test material. Review the practice exam and study up on any gaps and you will be just fine.

Level 3

Re: Summit 2016 MCE - Please tell me it'll be better than 2015's

I took the 2015 MCE and it was my first Marketo Certification test ever and I passed and felt it was straightforward enough. The practice exam was my main study guide but I also went through the Product Docs as well for any subject(s) that were highlighted. We didn't have the Calendar feature at the time but the product doc for it covered any questions that were on the test regarding it.

I would probably say the practice exam should be your main study point.

Level 10

Re: Summit 2016 MCE - Please tell me it'll be better than 2015's

To agree with what everyone else is saying, the practice exam has been updated to be much more in line with the actual test, so unless they make some crazy changes to the test before Summit (hopefully they learned *not* to do this from last time), you should do great!

Level 6 - Champion Alumni

Re: Summit 2016 MCE - Please tell me it'll be better than 2015's

I just took the exam in February and it is extremely similar to the practice test and my company does not use the calendar as well. In fact, some of the questions were exactly the same as in the practice test. I got around a 95% on the practice test and ended with an 87% on the actual exam, doing fairly well in the calendar area. At least go on and play around with the calendar and see its capabilities and you should be set!

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Re: Summit 2016 MCE - Please tell me it'll be better than 2015's

Where can I find the 2016 practice exam?