Subscription center + automated notifications for new service updates - integration, sync

Level 2

Subscription center + automated notifications for new service updates - integration, sync

Hi all,


We would like to create into Marketo a subscription center for updates of our company services but we would like the sending of the emails that notify the subscribers for new updates to be an automated process. Is this possible into Marketo? What integrations/sync are needed to be done? How the emails will be triggered?


Here are more clarifications:

– Create a Marketo Subscription Center (a form, landing page, lists). Each subscriber could choose which services he would like to receive emails with information for new updates. He or she could subscribe to one or many services. 

– The subscriber will be into a special "lists" for each service

– When an update for a particular service is available, something should trigger the new email to be sent to the contacts on the specific list


Example: Someone subscribed to receive an email notification for 3 services: A, B, and C. There is a new update for service A. The user should receive an email notifying there is a new update (and the kind of the update if possible) for service A. Is it possible this whole process to be automated?


Please, if anyone has experience with such type of subscription centers and automated email advice.

Level 1

Re: Subscription center + automated notifications for new service updates - integration, sync

Hi Denica.


Yes, this is very much feasible with some technical knowledge, first, you can create a subscription landing page with the services/categories you want to offer and replace the unsubscribe link of your Marketo email with this landing page link. Now, you need an integration with your website and marketo.. every time you publish a new update on your website under any category.. the connector will send the data to Marketo and trigger the same of the same category.

Let me know if you have any queries.

Level 2

Re: Subscription center + automated notifications for new service updates - integration, sync

Hi Archit_Madaan,

Thank you for your comment!

Here are some additional questions I will be very happy if you could help?


- How the integration between Marketo and Web site is possible with API rest or there is another solution? Do we need to know anything specific about this synchronization?

- After the subscription center (with the subscription form and landing page are ready and published on the website) and sync is ready should any specific smart campaigns be created for the process of sending the emails for the particular service to the specific smart list for each service?


Thank you in advance for your help!