SOAP API: Can I discover, for a given lead, which of the instance's workspaces it's in?

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SOAP API: Can I discover, for a given lead, which of the instance's workspaces it's in?

I'm using getMultipleLeads to discover which leads have been added or updated recently to my given Marketo instance. One of the things I might want to do with those leads is to add them to a list -- again, using the SOAP API. I know that this will only succeed for leads that are in the same workspace as the list. Is there any way for me to discover via getMultipleLeads or any other API call which workspace(s) any given lead is in?
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Re: SOAP API: Can I discover, for a given lead, which of the instance's workspaces it's in?

Great question.  However, I'd bet a large amount of money that the answer is "no".
Not applicable

Re: SOAP API: Can I discover, for a given lead, which of the instance's workspaces it's in?

I learned today that a Workspace is just a view that is restricted to one or more Partitions.

A Lead actually belongs to a Partition, not a Workspace.  So you need to look at the "Lead Partition" attribute of a Lead.