Re: Smartlist member numbers not matching up

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Smartlist member numbers not matching up

Hi there,

I'm doing a simple resend of an email blast but the intention is to only send to those leads that have not opened the previous email.

Our original email blast has been sent and Marketo data is reporting that of the 5,000 emails sent only 700 opened.

For the second blast, I've set up the smartlist so the qualifier is 'Has not opened email *name*' over the past 30 days (the first email was sent only a couple of days ago).

Now Marketo is telling me that only 400 people our of the full list of 5,000 are eligable for this list. 

What is happening here? If only 700 have been opened, then the list should be close to 4,000 not 400. Even taking into account unsubscribes that's a massive discrepency.

Any ideas as to what is going wrong? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Smartlist member numbers not matching up

What happens if you say "has opened email *name*" instead? do you get 700?
Level 3

Re: Smartlist member numbers not matching up

I would recommend using the "Not Opened Email is email nameinactivity filter.

That should supress anybody who has opened the email in your original mailing. 
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Re: Smartlist member numbers not matching up

To validate the number, create a smartlist with the same filter "sent email ___ and not opened email ___" and see how many show up in the list.  If its higher, you can run the second email send based on membership in this smartlist.
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Re: Smartlist member numbers not matching up

SOLVED: Just before I was about to submit the below I thought I'd try making a brand new smart campaign and bang... it works. Puzzling why this new one would while the old one wouldn't but no matter. All working now. Thanks for your help everyone. I've left my original response below just in case anyone was curious in the weird happenings that were going on in the original Smart Campaign. 😄


My original (now redundant) response 🙂

Thanks for your responses everyone,

Some further checks based on your feedback went as follows:

A smartlist for people who were sent *email* is showing up as 0.
A smartlist for people who have opened *email* is showing as 0.
A smartlist for people who have not opened *email* is showing up as the previously mentioned 400.

One thing that may have a role to play is that since the send some typo's etc were discovered and the original email content was edited accordingly.

I wouldn't have thought this would have an impact but it's the only thing that has happened since.