In setting up a SMART Campaign Flow with SMART Lists, does Marketo run through the SMART list filter before each email is sent?
Here is the example:
Customer ID is empty.
Send Email #1
Wait 2 Days
Send Email #2
Wait 1 Day
Send Email #3
If the customer id field is no longer empty after the email #1 was sent, will they still receive email #2 and email #3?
Hi Bree,
The smartlist for a campaign is only looked at in the beginning. Once a lead qualifies for a campaign and gets into the flow then they will continue through the entire thing. There won't be another check against the smart list before each Send Email step.
Whoops, I just thought of something else.
You could use "If" statements in your Send Email flow steps. For each Send Email step you would want a choice. You'd say "If Customer Id field Is Empty, Send Email" Default choice would be Do Nothing.
Or the other way around if you want it to only send when there is a value in the Customer Id field has a value.