Show landing page based on specific criteria

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Show landing page based on specific criteria

My colleague thought of an interesting idea: Create a generic "tradeshow" landing page that asks the lead how they got to it with a drop down list of various tradeshows. Based on the tradeshow they choose, we will show them a landing page for that tradeshow after they hit "submit". So however they answer the question will determine which landing page we show them. Does anyone konw if this is possible?
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Re: Show landing page based on specific criteria

You can do this with forms 2.0.  It allows you to build in choices for the follow-up page depending on their responses.  See 5.1-5.12 in this article:

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Re: Show landing page based on specific criteria

You can do this with forms 2.0.  It allows you to build in choices for the follow-up page depending on their responses.  See 5.1-5.12 in this article:
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Re: Show landing page based on specific criteria

Perfect, thank you! Any idea if an anonymos lead answers the question on the landing page, would we be able to track who that is? Or he/she would need to fill out some contact info like: email, company, name, etc?
Level 10

Re: Show landing page based on specific criteria

If someone is anonymous, then either they haven't provided you their information, or they aren't cookied... so without that information on the form, you won't be able to connect the dots. Maybe add just the minimum amount of information you'd need, like email address since Marketo dedupes based on email.
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Re: Show landing page based on specific criteria

You could also add hidden fields on the page, and at least capture the source as that specific landing page or campaign (depending on how you do your tracking).

To collect the additional information, you could create a program to then re-capture their information. If you make the hidden field source specific, you could run a smart list of "everyone with X lead source", then run a campaign off that smart list. 

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Re: Show landing page based on specific criteria

Thanks for all of the suggestions!!