Thanks Greg,
We do use both embedded forms and marketo LP forms. We will have to outline all scenarios of how data could become corrupted and develop a plan to prevent that corruption. All of these responses are helping a lot.
I think an important point to keep in mind here is keeping forms simple though: to put it bluntly if you asked me for a my street address on a downloadable white paper, there's no way I'm going to download it. (One place I worked A/B tested excluding a phone number from the request and the results were astronomical--so we started asking for email only.)
So, that one form needs to accommodate both scenarios--and in most cases that means it's not going to include street address at all.
Thanks Skot I am on the same page. We do not include street address on any forms except information update forms. The concern was there because of that fact.
Yes of course, but this was not my point I was just answering to Nate's concern about discrepancies in data.