two quick clairifcations/questions about the SFDC Campaign/Marketo Program sync:
1) If a lead is synced to SFDC and to the synced SFDC campaign, if the lead is then deleted/purged from the CRM, it will then only exist on the Marketo program side correct? That is - if it's removed from SFDC, it won't re-sync again the next time the program is syncing to the campaign will it? So a web lead, for example, that's junk - but still syncs to a SFDC campaign - when that lead is deleted, it won't come back even if it's not deleted on the Marketo program side - is that correct?
2) given that the "sync lead to SFDC" flow happens automatically when programs and campaigns are integrated - can I still add that step to the flow to create assignment rules as needed - and those will be followed?