Setting up Marketo with Okta Workflows

Level 1

Setting up Marketo with Okta Workflows



I'm trying to set up Marketo with Okta workflows so we can automate our user provisioning via the Marketo api . I've already set up the API only user with the correct credentials on the Marketo side. However on the Okta workflows side I'm getting unauthorized. To make sure I set up Marketo correctly I tested curl calls for Marketo and that worked perfectly.


Okta Workflows requires the following fields and what I've added to set up oauth:


Authorize Path - marketo endpoint/authorize

Access Token Path - marketo endpoint/oauth/token

Scope - api user email

Client ID - Client ID found when setting up api only user

Client Secret - Client Secret found when setting up api only user


The portion that I think I'm running into an issue on are the Authorize path and perhaps also the Access token.


Any help would be great thank you.