Send Email to Contacts Associated with Closed Won Opps

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Send Email to Contacts Associated with Closed Won Opps

Is there a way to build a Smart List of all Contacts attached to Close Won Opps? Using the Contact/Account level = Customer wont help here since not every contact for an Account is associated with an Opportunity. I also only want to include those that are Closed Won. I cant figure this out! 'Has Opportunity' doesnt work since this doesnt say if the Opp was won. 

Any ideas?
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Re: Send Email to Contacts Associated with Closed Won Opps

You need your CRM admin to tie opportunity activity to a field at the account level so that you can apply account filters. For example, when a new opportunity opens on one of our accounts, we have an "Account Stage" field that flips to "Prospect." When that opportunity closes, the Account Stage field flips to "Client" if it is Closed/Won or "Former Prospect" if it is Closed/Lost.

Now I can run a smartlist for all contacts at a Prospect account and know that there is an open opportunity there, even if the contact is not on that opportunity.
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Re: Send Email to Contacts Associated with Closed Won Opps

You can utilize the "Stage was Updated" filter. The trigger attribute is "Stage", change the timeframe to whatever you need (default is within the past 30 days), then add a constraint "New Value". For our company, the value is "6 - Closed Won", that's what I would add to the constraint. This should get you what you are looking for.
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Re: Send Email to Contacts Associated with Closed Won Opps

Excuse me, "Opportunity was Updated" filter. I believe that upon the initial synch between Mkto and SFDC, the stages of your Opportunities should be drop down options.
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Re: Send Email to Contacts Associated with Closed Won Opps

Delinda - Thanks but I dont want it at the account level since not every contact in the account is tied to the opportunity. I only want those contacts that are listed in closed won oppoortunities. 

Jeff - I think that may work. It's worth a try anyways. Thanks!!