Send alert at specific day/time

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Send alert at specific day/time


Is it possible to schedule alerts for specific timestamps?

We use Microsoft Dynamics and they have a native field for scheduling follow-up. We have synced this field with Marketo as a date field and I was hoping to create a smart campaign to send an alert/email to the account owner notifying them to follow-up with that lead on the date they selected. I can't seem to find an option on the flow to sent alert on date set in this specific field. 

Another option I came up with would be to run a campaign looking at that scheduled date field and seeing it that field equled today's date as the filter, if so, send alert. (If this is even possible)

Wanted to consult the Marketo masters beforing testing 🙂


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Re: Send alert at specific day/time

Hi Christina,

I think your second approach is the most likely to work for you here. Put in a recurring batch campaign that looks for leads who picked that day to follow up. On that day, send the alert out.