Searching for Engagement Program Emails in Email Performance Reports
I am attempting to pull a email performance report that includes emails contained within Engagement programs. When I click on the filter for "Marketing Activities Emails" I have the option to select all of my Event and standard program emails, but my engagment programs are excluded from the list.
Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a way around it aside from waiting for a bug fix from Marketo?
Re: Searching for Engagement Program Emails in Email Performance Reports
There is a special report type that is called Engagmeent Stream Performance. You can create this report as a local asset in your engagmeent program. It will also automatically filter the report to ony show programs/emails in your streams inside the engagement program
Re: Searching for Engagement Program Emails in Email Performance Reports
That's good to know. What do I do, however, if I want to compare engagement program emails vs. non-engagment programs for standard email marketing metrics (open, clicks, CTO, etc.)?
Re: Searching for Engagement Program Emails in Email Performance Reports
You should be able to do this inside the Email Performance report as well. I just went to the report to confirm and noticed that it is currently not possible. I will have engineering fix this bug and will let you know when it's done.
Re: Searching for Engagement Program Emails in Email Performance Reports
The engagement program (local) emails are not located in the Email Performance report. I'm assuming this is a bug. I can only choose Design Studio and Marketing Activities (non-Engagment program) emails for the Email Performance Report type.
If I move the local engagement program emails into the Design studio or another Non-Engagement program, will it retain the Open/Click/CTO stats?
Re: Searching for Engagement Program Emails in Email Performance Reports
Hi Chris,
Yes this is the bug I was referring to in my earlier post. I don't have an ETA yet, but will update the post when this is fixed. If you move them, you will lose the metrics.