Hey Mirek,
When the Relative Score and Relative Urgency are set to Dynamic in Admin ---> Sales Insight, it is not a static value that the leads have to reach to achieve a certain number of stars or flames.
It is relative to the score and urgency of the other leads in the database. By default, to have three stars a lead must be in the 98.5 percentile or higher to have 3 stars. So, if there were 1,000 leads in your database, the 150 leads with the highest scores would have 3 stars.
The same logic applies to Relative Urgency.
For a lead to have any stars at all, they must have a score of at least 1. For a lead to have any flames at all, they must have an urgency of at least 2.
If you would like to change this behavior, you can do so in Admin ---> Sales Insight. You can change the scoring method from Dynamic to Static so that leads above a certain static score will have a certain number of stars. You can also adjust the percentiles that qualify for 1,2, and 3 stars/flames.