Re: Sales Insight Emails - Operational?

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Level 5

Sales Insight Emails - Operational?

Hi everyone,

Wanted to inquire on a question that has come up from our sales team. Does Marketo mark all emails deployed from Sales Insight in Salesforce as operational? Are emails that are blacklisted in Marketo still sent a 1:1 email from the sales team? Thanks for the help!

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Level 4

Re: Sales Insight Emails - Operational?

Hi Ayan,

Here is a link that breaks down how Emails are handled when sent through various options available.

How Does Marketo Decide Whether a Lead Should Receive Email or Not?

Specifically for Sales Emails sent through Sales Insight in Salesforce, the Emails are never treated as operational as they are being sent through Marketo as a background Campaign and evaluated similarly as a Marketing Email. 

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Level 4

Re: Sales Insight Emails - Operational?

Hi Ayan,

Here is a link that breaks down how Emails are handled when sent through various options available.

How Does Marketo Decide Whether a Lead Should Receive Email or Not?

Specifically for Sales Emails sent through Sales Insight in Salesforce, the Emails are never treated as operational as they are being sent through Marketo as a background Campaign and evaluated similarly as a Marketing Email. 

Level 5

Re: Sales Insight Emails - Operational?

Thank you Robert for your reply, if I make Sales Insight SFDC emails Operational from the Design Studio, will it by pass the same Operational logic as a Smart Campaign?


Answered my own question, it won't work: "Emails sent via the Sales Insight plug-in for Salesforce are always regarded as normal emails, regardless if the email is Operational or not. Emails will NOT be sent if the email address is invalid, unsubscribed, Marketing Suspended or blacklisted."

Level 4

Re: Sales Insight Emails - Operational?

Correct, it will still send the email in the same manner regardless of if the Email is designated as Operational or Marketing.  When an Email is published to Sales Insight it becomes a template and that allows the HTML to be edited by a Sales User before it is sent.  Because of this ability to edit the HTML, it's no longer the same Email Asset being sent.  This is also the reason why the Sales Email related filters reference the Subject Line rather than having an option to reference the Published Asset's Name.

Level 5

Re: Sales Insight Emails - Operational?

Hi Robert, do you know how we can identify which emails bounced / did not get delivered from Sales Insight?

Level 6

Re: Sales Insight Emails - Operational?

Hi Ayan,

You can set up a smart campaigns using the sales email bounces trigger to alert your reps.

Level 5

Re: Sales Insight Emails - Operational?

Thanks for that insight Conor. With the trigger, were you able to identify which email was blocked using lead tokens in an email?

Level 6

Re: Sales Insight Emails - Operational?

Yep, you can use these tokens:

Email Name: {{trigger.Name}} | Email Subject: {{trigger.Subject}}

Level 7

Re: Sales Insight Emails - Operational?

Hey Conor, do you know if there's a way to send the alert to the person attempting to email the lead/contact even if they are not the SFDC owner?

For example, we have people who own leads in SFDC, but someone else on their team might need to send the MSI email instead for any number of reasons. I know I can send an alert to the lead owner, but is there any way to send an alert to the other person who is sending the email but doesn't own the lead?

Level 6

Re: Sales Insight Emails - Operational?

Hi Rachel,

Yep, there is a way to do that. There is a "To Other Emails" field on the Send Alert flow step. You can type in emails separated by a comma and those other email addresses will get the alert. What's even better is you can stick tokens in that field. So you can create your own token such as {{my.West Coast BDRs}}.