Rolling out MSI and Training

Level 10

Rolling out MSI and Training


I've trained sales reps in the past in MSI. However, I am starting with this company AFTER their initial roll-out of MSI and from what I understand there was very little training. That in mind, and the fact that we have a HUGE sales team I am working on a plan for trainings.

I know lots of ppl recommend rolling out in phases and training initially over several weeks. I will probably do something along these lines. I'm curious though, how you all have organized your trainings? Do you just concentrate on basics of SFDC one week, just sending emails the next, just lead scoring the next, etc?

Wanting to know what has worked best for yall!
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Re: Rolling out MSI and Training

My advice would be to pick a couple of people on your sales team who you think would be good "beta testers" of MSI -- train them, have them use it for awhile and let them be the advocates and trainers for the remainder of the sales organization.

We have an inside sales/Market Development team of two and we rolled MSI out to them first. They then used it for a month, discovered any quirks, nuances, best practices and they actually led the training to our sales team because I knew the message is better received coming from other who use the tool. 

For the training, I gave a very high-level overview of lead scoring and what marketing automation is. Then the Market Dev team went into the nitty gritty of the tool. It was about a one-hour training, and as questions have come up post-training, our Market Dev team is well-versed to answer them.