reversing a campaign success for a lead

Level 10

reversing a campaign success for a lead

I have one lead who converted but for the wrong campaign.  I managed to apply his success in the correct campaign and program.  I was able to remove him from the other program, but when I looked at the status progression for the campaign, he's still showing as converted. How do I undo this?
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Re: reversing a campaign success for a lead

If I am undersanding the context correctly, one option would be:
- search the lead using the Quick Find in the lead database
- Once found, mark the lead and select Lead Actions
- Select Program - Change Progression Status
- Seelct the program and set new status to Not in Program

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Re: reversing a campaign success for a lead

Correct! You can not reverse a progression status, but only back to "Not in Program". After that you can set the right progression status again.
Level 10

Re: reversing a campaign success for a lead

Hi Diederik, 

I did remove the person out of the program, but I'm not to set the right progression status.  The status that the lead reached is trial requested which is the success and for some reasons I can't do it.