Restarting Nurture Programs for those who did not receive one of the emails

Level 2 - Champion Alumni

Restarting Nurture Programs for those who did not receive one of the emails

I have a nurture program that had some individuals not receive one of the 4 emails in our stream. We have changed OP addresses and want to try resending those emails to the people that have not received one of our emails.

In order to restart these individuals on this stream and make sure that nobody gets the same email twice (ie. Someone who had been delivered the 3rd email, but was not delivered the 1st, 2nd, or 4th email), I am assuming what I need to do is create a new smart program. Does Marketo know not to send the same email twice? Will that person who already was delivered the 3rd email receive it again?

Any help is much appreciated.

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Re: Restarting Nurture Programs for those who did not receive one of the emails


If you are using a stream in an engagement engine then marketo will never send the same email twice to the same person.  So if cohort 1 has received emails 1,2,3 and you add a new email before email 1, then marketo wil send the entire cohort the new email on the next cast and email four on the cast after that.  You do not need to start the stream over to make this work.  Also if new people are added to the stream they will start at the top and receive all of the emails in the order they appear in the stream.

Level 2 - Champion Alumni

Re: Restarting Nurture Programs for those who did not receive one of the emails

Thanks for the reply, Jamie. I guess my main question is this: How would I restart the stream for people who were sent 1 out of the 4 emails, but that 1 email did not deliver? Is there a way to re-enter them into the stream and make sure that they do not get sent the same email?