Currently with the 'Browse Programs' call in the REST API, Tag and Cost info does not come back. Instead you would need to use Browse Programs to retrieve a list of Program Ids and then make individual calls specifying that Id value to retrieve this information.
Is there a way to retrieve a list of all the programs along with Tag and Cost info without making individual calls?
There is a way! It is a bit convoluted, but here it is:
2. Pick one Tag Type in the list which is required and applicable to programs, and get all the Tag Values for that Tag Type using:
GET /rest/asset/v1/tagType/byName.json?name=+[Tag Type Name]
3. For each Tag Value of that Tag Type, you can now get all the Tag Values for all Tag Types for all Programs:
GET /rest/asset/v1/program/byTag.json?tagType='+[Tag Type Name]+'&tagValue='+[Values]+'&maxReturn=200
And as a bonus, it will include Program costs, costs start date and cost notes!
I hope this helps...