Report on All Interesting Moments in a Given Period

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Report on All Interesting Moments in a Given Period

Hi Everyone,

I've been asked to report on the total number of interesting moments for a given week, month, quarter and year.

I have tried building a smart lsit based on "Had Intersting Moment within a given timeframe". The problem is this only shows me the contacts that have had an interesting moment not the interesting moment itself. For example if the same contact has 2 separare interesting moments over the course of a month the contact would only show up in my report once. I want to see the contact listed twice, once for each individual interesting moment. 

Has anyone had experience with this? Any ideas are greatly appreciated.

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Re: Report on All Interesting Moments in a Given Period

This isn't something we support directly. Smart Lists pull leads and lead counts. It's sort of a weird number to report on, and so we don't have a built-in report for it.

You could probably use the API to extract that data and make a list, but otherwise I can't think of a good option.
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Re: Report on All Interesting Moments in a Given Period

Thanks for the response!

I was thinking this through and I came up with an idea that I think may work. 

I'm planning on creating lead score fields titled "weekly interesting momeent count" "montly interesting moment count" Etc... Whenever a contact has an interesting moment I will add +1 to each of these fields. I will just have to have a reoccuring campaign to reset each field to zero on the corresponding time frame (weekly, monthly, etc..)

I think this should at least give me the number of Interesting Moments for each contact within each time period. I won't easily be able to see all interesting moments listed out, but at least I wil have a count for each contact.

Do you see any issues with that?