Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

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Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

Hey Dory -- one issue I see here is that Marketo can't write to SFDC Account fields, only Contact fields -- at least, according to Marketo support. I have bumped up against this before and had to find a work-around because of it. 

Correct me if I'm wrong and this can work somehow (it would be awesome if it could!) 
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Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

Hey Justin and Dory,

Thanks again! I love how responsive you guys are and you're truly helping me with this pickle. That sounds like a great idea. I've created the Salesforce boolean checkbox entitled "Marketing Responded'. The only issue i'm coming across now is how to perpetuate that "Marketing Responded" checkbox to all of the contacts associated to the account. 

Is it simply a setting in Salesforce i'm overlooking? Or is there something special I have to set up so checking that box will check the box for ALL contacts in the account?

Many thanks 
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Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

From Marketo's perspective, SFDC account fields are available for use in triggers/filters on each Marketo lead (SFDC Contact) that belongs to that SFDC Account. So simply by having it at the SFDC Account level, it will be visible in Marketo and you can use it. 

If you want it available on the Contact record in Salesforce for some reason, you could create a formula field on the Contact record and reference the Account field in it. 

But just make sure to use the Account version of the field in your Marketo filters...formula fields don't trigger the Marketo/SFDC synch so you may not have current data for the formula field in Marketo. 
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Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

Hey Justin,

Thanks for the tips. It's weird though, I tried created a formula field on the Contact record that references the Account fields but can't seem to insert any fields from the Account level. My "Select Field"dropdown only has fields associated to Leads.

If I can get this last part to work i'm sure this entire issue will be resolved haha.  
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Re: Removing multiple leads from a flow due to 1 lead's email response

Omg... I'm silly, Disregard that last post Justin!

Haha thanks so much.