Recipients of emails stating there is no content

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Recipients of emails stating there is no content

We have had several email recipients (clients) replying there is no content in the email we are sending. However, the content is there in their reply to us.

One of the clients is very upset and adamant we resolve this issue or he will no longer do business with us.

I know there are so many variables with this issue so we asked the client the following:

Do you have a PC or Mac?
Who’s your e-mail host/ client?
How do you get your e-mail? Do you have to get on the Internet/open a browser to access it? Either way.
Are your computer/internet/e-mail settings configured to not allow images  downloads? Content on the Internet? Yes and yes

Any ideas to what is the cause?

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Re: Recipients of emails stating there is no content

is your email on large image. it seems to me that their images are turned off and there for not seeing your content. did you do alt tags on the images?
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Re: Recipients of emails stating there is no content

Email is not an image and there are no images in the email.
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Re: Recipients of emails stating there is no content


Is there a text-only version of the email? If there isn't, s/he might be getting the text-only version (which has no content).

Edward Unthank
Level 10

Re: Recipients of emails stating there is no content

Do you have the web-version link enabled?  That helps when someone can't view your HTML/Text email. I think Eward above is right.