Is there a way (in the basic Marketo reporting tool) to build an email performance report that GROUPS emails by Program? or Folder? or Send Month? Or any way of grouping things?
When I am extracting a YTD report for triggered emails, is there a way to group by send month so that if the same email has been sent every day for 6 months - it isn't just all "rolled up" into 1 row?
And to clarify, there is NO way to add columns to the email performance reports?
Thank you so much for your help!
You can group using the set up tab. Some reports allow you to use segmentation to group the reports.
For filtering you can use smartlists if they are available for the report
I see no options to group in the set up tab. To further clarify - I am talking about the Email Performance Report. I need to group by date, or folder, or program, etc... Is that possible?