"Condense" Engagement Program by Date

Level 1

"Condense" Engagement Program by Date

Hi there,

I'm wondering what the best way is to manage the following scenario in Marketo.

Pretend I have a 10 part email nurture campaign set up in Marketo. This is a standard nurture campaign and set to only send on Mondays and to wait a week in between emails. However, I also have an imaginary deadline that all of these emails need to be delivered by. 

Is it possible to have Marketo "condense" the nurture campaign based on when the lead came in? For example - if there is only 10 days left before the deadline deliver one every day? Is there a different way of doing this that I haven't thought of?

Thanks for any help!
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Re: "Condense" Engagement Program by Date

Hi Jacob,

There is no way for a live nurture program in Marketo to 'condence' the nurture campaign when a deadline in near. 
May be you can create a different 'nurture stream' in the same program with delay of 1 day between emails and manually or automatically move the leads from the original nurture stream to the new nurture stream when the deadline is near.

But do you really want to bombard customers an email every day? Do you think they will live it? What if many of them unsubscribe from your database for sending too many emails?

Also, even if you want to do it, your Marleto 'communication limits' might allow few emails to go out in a week to a lead (usually 3 to 5).

Hope this helps
