Question about the "Include a Calendar Event .ics in a Landing Page" feature

Level 10

Question about the "Include a Calendar Event .ics in a Landing Page" feature


Are you using the next "Include a Calendar Event (.ics) in a Landing Page" feature? How do you proceed? Have you added the save the date on the registration landing page (w/ form) or after (=TY page) or do you add the save the date in the confirmation email? if option 3, do you add token w/ customized url (GTW)?

Cécile @ Talend

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Re: Question about the "Include a Calendar Event .ics in a Landing Page" feature

Cécile, we do use the Calendar File token as a "Add to Calendar" hyperlink in the registration confirmation email of our physical events.  For webinars, since we use GoToWebinar, we utilize the Add to Calendar functionality of GoToWebinar in the Add to Calendar hyperlink in those registration emails using the following link/ tokens:{{my.Event Number}}&uid={{member.registration code}}
Level 10

Re: Question about the "Include a Calendar Event .ics in a Landing Page" feature

We use it only on Confirmation emails and Thank You (LP after form submitted) landing pages.