Question about Custom Field Data Storage

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Question about Custom Field Data Storage


I'm interested in knowing if there's a way to compound information stored in a Marketo field. I've created several custom fields for use on a webform. Users can potentially fill out this form several times with different information, and we're interested in finding a way to store all information entered instead of it being overwritted with each new entry.

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Re: Question about Custom Field Data Storage

Unless you're using a new custom field each time, or you've got some process on your CRM's end that catches new values and places them somewhere else for storage, I don't know of a way you can append information to a field in Marketo without that data being overwritten.
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Re: Question about Custom Field Data Storage

There are some ideas out there that touch on this - be sure to vote on them.

If you have a fixed picklist you could always right them out to a list as well.