i have a situation with google dynamic query stings where i want to track 3 different parts of the query sting and they must have all. i can't just include the entire string asthere are dynamic parts in it that google adwords will add.
but if you list 3 things they are OR and i can't see how you can do advanced filters to make them AND
any ideas how i do this?
i want to track, for example:
query string contains= "utm_source=Google" AND "utm_campaign=Brand-Search-Beta" AND "utm_creative=Connect-The-Dots"
Hey Trish,
Are you also capturing the values for that querystring in hidden form fields? If so, you could skip the querystring filter entirely and just build a smart campaign such as:
Trigger: Filled Out Form
Filter 1: Field "utm_source" is "value"
Filter 2" Field "utm_campaign" is "value"