Pulling Smart List Membership s via SOAP/REST API

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Pulling Smart List Membership s via SOAP/REST API

I want to pull out real-time numbers on smart list membership via the API so that my team can build some advanced reporting dashboards. What would be the best method to accomplish this?
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Re: Pulling Smart List Membership s via SOAP/REST API

It is not currently possible to do this. You can interact with Static Lists via the APIs. 

This page shows which endpoints are available:
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Re: Pulling Smart List Membership s via SOAP/REST API


Is this on a roadmap within the next couple of months? By end of year? I feel very restricted by Marketo's out of the box reporting and now you say I can't effectively export my data points. I'm getting frustrated because I know the data I need is all within Marketo, but you aren't enabling your users to leverage the way that we want to, only through the limited reports that you've put together.