Re: Program-level tokens

Not applicable

Program-level tokens

I have a requirement to be able to adjust the program-level tokens in a cloned program from one workspace and trigger a cascade update to assets and smart campaigns in the program being created for another workspace being created.

Does anyone have any insight into this or direction I should head?

Not applicable

Re: Program-level tokens

Hi Heather-
Are the tokens themselves needing adjustment to name or just value after you clone?  Because the tokens are local to the specific program, the name of them should remain the same upon cloning the program and the use of them within the other local assets should remain intact.  If the value of the token itself has to be adjusted, there is only manual adjustments that can be done; there is no api or mass-system change at this time.

Hope this helps.
Not applicable

Re: Program-level tokens

Just the names of them is what I need--I don't mind the manual adjustment for the specific workspace after the fact.  Thanks so much for your help!

Level 10

Re: Program-level tokens

Hi Heather,

If I understand what you're trying to do correctly, I don't believe there's a way to do that for pre-existing programs. For new programs, since the tokens are local, it can be accomplished through cloning. As far as doing this for programs within the same workspace, there's the option of using My Tokens at the campaign folder level, and having multiple programs within the campaign folder. Be careful about rearranging campaign folders though!