Prevent direct visits to thank you pages

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Prevent direct visits to thank you pages

Hi everyone, 

Someone shared the URL of one of my thank you pages on twitter... even though the share button was configured to share the landing page url. 

Does anyone know how to prevent the circumventing of landing pages? Is there a script somewhere that will conditionally redirect visitors to the landing page if anonymous?

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Re: Prevent direct visits to thank you pages


I'm thinking some javascript to check: IF anonymous, then redirect to landing page URL 

Another idea: If referrer was NOT landing page, then redirect to landing page
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Re: Prevent direct visits to thank you pages

I'd love to know the answer to this as well - I'm not sure if the JS Munchkin code can check whether someone is anonymous or not.
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Re: Prevent direct visits to thank you pages

You might use dynamic content to show a link to the landing page on your thank you page.  This should work with anonymous segments:

If you're concerned about losing information on your leads, consider sending your content offers via email rather than direct download links.  This will help with email deliverability, verify accurate information, and make it a bit more difficult to share your content via Twitter.
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Re: Prevent direct visits to thank you pages

Was anyone able to find a solution for this question? 
