Preference Center Unsubscribe From All Selection Is Not Retained For future Visits

Level 1
Level 1

Preference Center Unsubscribe From All Selection Is Not Retained For future Visits



We're building a preference center where we'd like the selections to remain intact when the user revisits the page. On our test page we have three options, two are custom Salesforce fields and one utilizes the Unsubscribed check box. The custom Salesforce check boxes retain their marks upon subsequent page visits, but the Unsubscribe From All check box is wiped clean when selected and the form is submitted. We'd like to maintain this selection so the user can see their unsubscribed status upon revisiting the page.


Additional Information

When revisiting the preference center page after the unsubscribe from all box is checked and the from is submitted, the form initially retains the email address for the user but all of the check boxes are unchecked. By the next day, the email address no longer loads (it's tokened to populate the user's email address upon page load) and the entire form is blank. We have a clean up campaign that runs everyday to remove unsubscribed users from Marketo so it makes sense the email address would no longer populate after 24 hours, however that further complicates the situation because it leaves the form completely blank and filling out that form will not opt a user back into subscribed status. Nor does it allow the user to know their subscription status or if they need to take action depending on their goal.


We're planning to add a link to the page that will direct unsubscribed users to a different from that will allow them to resubscribe. The concern is that a blank form will be confusing to the user on: their current subscription status, and which is the correct form to use to resubscribe (the unsubscribe form will not resubscribe them if filled out again).


If the Unsubscribed From All check box can be retained (even if the email address is not) the user can know their status and what action to take. Is there a way to retain the check box selection after the form is submitted and the user is wiped from the system? If not, what solution is suggested to solve for this situation?

Level 2

Re: Preference Center Unsubscribe From All Selection Is Not Retained For future Visits

I would get the Unsubscribe status from the Cookies. When the user checks the "Unsubscribed From All" box and submits the form, store this preference in a cookie, so even if/when the user is wiped from the Marketo system, the cookie will retain the status. and then you can check the cookie on page load to ensure the user has not unsubscribed in the past.