Possible to filter new leads based on whether a form field contains a value?

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Possible to filter new leads based on whether a form field contains a value?

Is there a way to filter a new lead by deleting (or avoid creating) it if a form field contains a value?

I have a website that contains a contact form tied to my sales department, and receive an inconvenient amount of spambot submissions. I was able to use this type of filter logic to disable email notifications. But now I'd like to take it a step further and prevent spam submissions from being added to my lead database in the first place. Alternatively, I'd also be okay with sorting them into a different grouping/subgrouping where I can then review them before deleting.
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Level 10

Re: Possible to filter new leads based on whether a form field contains a value?

Hi Andrew, 

We can't resist a lead to enter the lead database. Though you could assign them a negative lead score to bucket them into junk leads and delete them later.

Hope this helps!
Level 10

Re: Possible to filter new leads based on whether a form field contains a value?

what we are doing is banning some IP addresses at our website level...
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Re: Possible to filter new leads based on whether a form field contains a value?

As you and Alok mentioned, just use the value or field you define for your honeypot to filter spam submissions then add them to a separate list or SFDC campaign.  From there it would be easy to either review all the leads manually, or just use a second batch campaign to automatically delete your junk leads on a daily or weekly basis (I would only do this if you are 100% certain all the junk leads you're capturing are in fact junk).