I'm trying to do the same thing. I'm making a double-opt in based off of an email.
The recipient gets the email and clicks a link.
The link has two parameters: CPSRefSiteEmail and CPSRefSiteName.
They get to a page with a form that will display the values and ask them to hit Submit to verify they made a correct selection.
I've made a form with the two fields on it. I've made a Landing Page with the form embedded. I've added a Custom HTML box with the following script:
<script language="Javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/public/jQueryString-2.0.2-Min.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
// to set cookies. Uses noConflict just in case
var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();
var pCPSRefSiteName = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "CPSRefSiteName" });
document.getElementById("CPSRefSiteName").setAttribute("value", pCPSRefSiteName);
<script language="Javascript" src="/js/public/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/public/jQueryString-2.0.2-Min.js" type="text/javascript" ></script>
// to set cookies. Uses noConflict just in case
var $jQ = jQuery.noConflict();
var pCPSRefSiteEmail = $jQ.getQueryString({ ID: "CPSRefSiteEmail" });
document.getElementById("CPSRefSiteEmail").setAttribute("value", pCPSRefSiteEmail);
When I enter the URL along with one of the parameters and a value, I get nothing in the boxes. What am I doing wrong? I've also tried replacing the
ID: with the integer instead of the field name and nothing worked.
Can I get a more complete explanation?
Robb Barrett