Opt In & Opt Out Timestamps

Not applicable

Opt In & Opt Out Timestamps

Hi everyone,

We use channel specific opt in fields in our instance, such as:

  • Marketing Channel - Email = Opt In/Opt Out (the Unsubscribe field in Marketo maps to this field's changes via a Smart Campaign)
  • Marketing Channel - SMS = Opt In/Opt Out
  • Marketing Channel - Phone = Opt In/Opt Out

For better compliance purposes I would like to implement timestamps for these fields and I would like to get your opinion on what the best way of doing it would be.

Is it better to create a separate timestamp field for Opt Ins and Opt Outs?


Is it sufficient enough to have one timestamp field that updates whenever the Opt In field updates to Opt In or Opt Out?


Level 10

Re: Opt In & Opt Out Timestamps

Hi Greg,

You may want to have at least one separated date field for each opt-out field.

One field should be enough, though, as anyway, all changes in all these fields are logged by Marketo as data value changes that are all time-stamped.

Also, in order to enforce usage of these fields, you will have to rely a lot on user discipline. So vote here:


Not applicable

Re: Opt In & Opt Out Timestamps

Thanks Greg! I love the Tag Level exclusion list idea too! I wish they implemented that sooner rather than later.

Level 10

Re: Opt In & Opt Out Timestamps

Hi Greg,

I wish as well. Not enough people voting for it, though


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Opt In & Opt Out Timestamps

We have a global "process opt-in requests" program set up that not only timestamps the opt-in request, but also associates the program that was responsible for it.  And since we're a global company, we have an extended process for Germany, where double-opt-in is required.



Not applicable

Re: Opt In & Opt Out Timestamps

Thanks Dan! Your approach is very interesting indeed, and something I'll keep in mind for Global integrations.