Numbers not showing in summary for webinars

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Numbers not showing in summary for webinars

This morning when I got on Marketo I noticed that none of the numbers are showing in the summary section of my webinars. The members are still tagged to the correct statuses in the Members section but nothing shows in the overview.

Anyone else experiencing this problem?

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Re: Numbers not showing in summary for webinars

Yes experiencing the same thing.
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Re: Numbers not showing in summary for webinars

Yeah and for the webinars that haven't taken place yet and we only have leads marked as registered... they still have that status in their lead record but in the summary it says they are all "Attended On-demand". I'm going to push this thread through to support.
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Re: Numbers not showing in summary for webinars

I believe that engineering are aware of this problem and will work to a fix.
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Re: Numbers not showing in summary for webinars

Following this thread as well. 
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Re: Numbers not showing in summary for webinars

Yes I put a support ticket in yesterday and they said it was some bug that came about with the December releases. They're working on it 🙂