You may have noticed that you have not been receiving email alerts when someone comments on your posts. Unfortuantely, the Salesforce Summer 13 release caused a bug in our system and we had to turn the email notifications off until they find a solution.
Good news: We have logged this case with Salesforce support, and they are actively working on it. A temporary fix will be implemented next week that will enable us to turn the notifications back on, but it will cause a 10 - 15 minute delay between a post and the email trigger.
Bad news: This happened in the first place and you were inconvenienced. Our sincerest apologies.
Thank you for your patience during this time and I will keep you posted of any updates I have.
Elliott, this issue should be fixed, and you should receive notifications with a slight delay. I know this post is a bit old, but I wanted to be sure you aren't experiencing issues stil.