Re: Non system tokens in snippets using segmentation

Level 5

Non system tokens in snippets using segmentation

I am looking to use non-system tokens into snippets that are using a segmentation. I have 15 signatures that are all in a snippets using country segementation. The issue is that each time a signature needs to be updated, I have to reapprove all emails that are using the signature snippet.

If I can have a token for each of my 15 signatures and then put the tokens in the signature snippet, I can change the signatures without touching the snippet and therefore I would not have to update re-approve my email.

Can it be done and how?

Thanks for any suggestions
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Non system tokens in snippets using segmentation

Hey Axel,

Yes this should be possible!

Use a my.token in your snippets. One token for each signature.

Include your snippets in emails that are local to a program.

Define those signature tokens in a folder that contains all of your marketing programs (I find it useful to have one all-encapsulating program at the top of my tree for times like these).

Now they should work just fine. Update your tokens and it will flow through to your snippets in all programs without needing to re-approve emails.

Interestingly, this seems to work even though when tokens are in global snippets (that live in design studio) as long as the snippet is in a local email asset! I tested this to be sure as I wasn't positive how it would handle that scenario.

Also I did not make my test snippet dynamic so test that to be sure, but I am presuming it will not make a difference.

Justin Norris | Perkuto
Level 5

Re: Non system tokens in snippets using segmentation

Hi Justin

Thanks  a lot for geting back to me. I can't get the custom tokens to show in my Snippet. Can you share some screen capture? Are you using system tokens?

I asked Marketo support and there view it is that is not posible. See their feedback below.

Case #: 00414196
Subject: Not able to use Custom Token in Snippet

Created Date: 27/04/2015
Priority: P3
Status: New


Hi Axel,

A Snippet, is basically a chunk of formatted rich text or graphics that you can replace a Marketo Editable section with. It main purpose would be for perhaps adding a dynamic signature or footer or some other dynamic content. For a deep dive on snippets and it's uses, I would suggest to review the following deep dive articles:

Personalization: Segmentation and Snippets

It is not possible to create your own system tokens, and global tokens are based off of Lead attributes.
My Tokens are created a the Program level, so if you are looking to make re-purpose content, then I would recommend to create a Program in Marketing Activities. Create your My Tokens from the Program, then create email assets in the Program that make use of the My Tokens.
The Email asset will then populate with the values in the Program My Tokens tab. The process of re-use would be to clone the program and update the values in the My Tokens. Details can be found here:

Understanding My Tokens in a Program

In regards to using snippets inline in the email editor, no you cannot. Consider using My Tokens for this.
Please let me know if you have further questions.

Thanks and Kind Regards,

Please view your case on the Marketo Support Portal to add comments.

Best regards,
Semir Alwash
Marketo Customer Support